Don’t ask me.

20140621-untitled shoot-2-Edit

Apart from fill petrol I have no idea what these guys were up to. This car look barely legal. :0)



One Careful owner

Buick (gallery test).

These shots are of the Buick I have posted ealier. I was asked to post some colour shots of it so, I made this little gallery of the shots I have. I thought I’d try out the gallery function on WordPress. to show these shots off.  I hope you like them.



1950’s MK VI

Leica MP
Summilux 50mm f1.4
Rollei Retro 100 in Adox Adonal at 1:50 for 13mins @20˙C
Scanned via Epson V700

The Car Park Time Forgot

The Car Park Time Forgot by Davidap2009
The Car Park Time Forgot, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

Stretching into the distance these cars wait patiently for their owners that never return.


Rusty by Davidap2009
Rusty, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

One that got away from the series I did last year. This time I used HDR effects pro (Pre-Google). and a little PS. This is what happens when I push the sliders around to see what happens

Doors & Windows

Doors & Windows by Davidap2009
Doors & Windows, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

Back to the car cemetery.


Gridlock by Davidap2009
Gridlock, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.