Don’t ask me.

20140621-untitled shoot-2-Edit

Apart from fill petrol I have no idea what these guys were up to. This car look barely legal. :0)

That moment…

That moment...

When having the name Flick hits home.
This was a grab shot of two Swedish taxi drivers waiting for a party Click on the picture and read the sign one of them is holding

Don’t Drink And Drive!!

Don't Drink And Drive!! by Davidap2009
Don’t Drink And Drive!!, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

Going Green

Going Green by Davidap2009
Going Green, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

Nature takes over.Notice how the cars each side are sinking slowly into the ground

The Car Park Time Forgot

The Car Park Time Forgot by Davidap2009
The Car Park Time Forgot, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

Stretching into the distance these cars wait patiently for their owners that never return.


Rusty by Davidap2009
Rusty, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

One that got away from the series I did last year. This time I used HDR effects pro (Pre-Google). and a little PS. This is what happens when I push the sliders around to see what happens

Doors & Windows

Doors & Windows by Davidap2009
Doors & Windows, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.

Back to the car cemetery.


Gridlock by Davidap2009
Gridlock, a photo by Davidap2009 on Flickr.