Leicas’ in the snow

20141221-untitled shoot-35-Edit-Edit-Edit A bit of Camera porn taken while on a hunting trip to the woods with a mate. I took this while we stopped for coffee.

BTW. 23.12.2014. This simple iphone shot made it into Flickrs explore. I’ll never understand flickr :0)

I got on the wrong side…

of the camera

I got on the wrong side of the camera.

I’m not sure if this was shot by the wife or my daughter. Still it looks like me :0)

I take tons of photos during the course of a year.Maybe not as many as a pro does but more than average (Unless we count teenagers with cell phones). My point is, do you like being photographed ? I’m not sure if I do not one on one anyway I don’t mind if I’m part of a group.

Share your thoughts.

Don’t ask me.

20140621-untitled shoot-2-Edit

Apart from fill petrol I have no idea what these guys were up to. This car look barely legal. :0)



I tried my hand at a little wedding photography.

Here is a shot of my Brother-In-Law looking a little sceptical. He wasn’t the one getting married he was a guest like me.

The Boss

The Boss

A snap of our Hotel owner he sat in reception and made sure we learned some rudimentary Greek, and showed us how to dance Greek style.



Poul is always ready with a smile and a joke.