…now hold still

A candid snapshot of a mother drawing a Shamrock on her daughters face in preparation for the St.Patrick’s day parade.
Leica Q2 Monochrom
pp. CaptureOne 23

The Sword Collector

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I little while ago I attend a lecture given by fellow member of society I happen to also be a member of here in Norway. The subject was Scottish Basket hilted swords. I think this shot captures his passion for his subject and,collection .

Nikon D800

Nikon 24-70 f/2.8

ISO 3200 no flash used.

The wait.

The wait

Another from my hunting trip.


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Meet Richard . A great friend and a lot of fun to be around.

I got on the wrong side…

of the camera

I got on the wrong side of the camera.

I’m not sure if this was shot by the wife or my daughter. Still it looks like me :0)

I take tons of photos during the course of a year.Maybe not as many as a pro does but more than average (Unless we count teenagers with cell phones). My point is, do you like being photographed ? I’m not sure if I do not one on one anyway I don’t mind if I’m part of a group.

Share your thoughts.

Modern Talking

Modern Talking

Taken on a visit to the local town

Tales from the kitchen sink

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A candid taken while on a visit to the family farm :0)